職別 博士後研究員
姓名 李寧
L. Lee, J. T. Ku, W. C. Fan, W. H. Chang, W. K. Chen, W. C. Chou, C. H. Ko, C. H. Wu, Y. R. Lin, C. T. Wann, C. H. Wann, C. W. Hsu, C. F. Chen, and Y. K. Su, “Structural and optical investigation of semipolar GaN grown on shallow-trenched Si (001) substrate”, submitted to Applied Physics Express, 2011 (Impact factor = 2.747, ranking = 20/116 )
Y. C. Lin, H. L. Chung, W. C. Chou, C. Y. Chen, K. F. Chien, W. C. Fan, L. Lee, and C. H. Chia, “Optical characterization of isoelectronic ZnSe1-xOx semiconductors”, J. Cryst. Growth 323, 122 2011 (Impact factor = 1.737, ranking = 11/25 )
L. Lee, W. C. Fan, J. T. Ku, W. H. Chang, W. K. Chen, W. C. Chou, C. H. Ko, C. H. Wu, Y. R. Lin, C. H. Wann, C. W. Hsu, Y. F. Chen, and Y. K. Su, “Cathodoluminescence studies of GaAs nano-wires grown on shallow-trench-patterned Si”, Nanotechnology 21, 465701 2010 (Impact factor = 3.644, ranking = 17/116 )
S. F. Fu, S. M. Wang, L. Lee, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Tsai, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chang, and W. K. Chen, “The structural and optical properties of InN nanodots grown with various V/III ratios by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition”, Nanotechnology 20, 295702 2009 (Impact factor = 3.644, ranking = 17/116 )
C. Y. Chen, L. Lee, S. K. Tai, S. F. Fu, W. C. Ke, W. C. Chou, W. H. Chang, M. C. Lee, W. K. Chen, “Optical properties of uncapped InN nanodots grown at various temperature”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 031001 2009 (Impact factor = 1.018, ranking = 75/116 )
W. H. Chang, W. C. Ke, S. H. Yu, L. Lee, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Tsai, H. Lin, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. K. Chen, “Effects of growth temperature on InN/GaN nanodots grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 104306 2008 (Impact factor = 2.064, ranking = 33/116 )
W. H. Chang, L. Lee, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Tsai, H. Lin, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, and W. K. Chen, “Structural and optical properties of InN/GaN nanodots grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition”, Phys. Stat. Sol. C 5, 3014 2008
L. Lee, C. S. Ku, W. C. Ke, C. W. Ho, H. Y. Huang, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, W. C. Chou, W. K. Chen, “Current properties of GaN V-defect using conductive atomic force microscopy”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45, L817 2006 (Impact factor = 1.018, ranking = 75/116 )
W. C. Ke, L. Lee, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Tsai, W. H. Chang, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. K. Chen, “Impact of ammonia background flows on structural and photoluminescence properties of InN dots grown on GaN by flow-rate modulation epitaxy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 263117 2006 (Impact factor = 3.820, ranking = 14/116 )
W. C. Ke, C. P. Fu, C. C. Huang, C. S. Ku, L. Lee, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Tsai, W. K. Chen, M. C. Lee, W. C. Chou, W. J. Lin, Y. C. Cheng, “Optical properties and carrier dynamics of self-assembled GaN/Al0.11Ga0.89N quantum dots”, Nanotechnology, 17, 2609 2006 (Impact factor = 3.644, ranking = 17/116 )
W. C. Ke, C. P. Fu, C. Y. Chen, L. Lee, C. S. Ku, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. K. Chen, W. J. Lin, Y. C. Cheng, “Photoluminescence properties of self-assembled InN dots embedded in GaN grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 191913 2006 (Impact factor = 3.820, ranking = 14/116 )
W. C. Ke, C. S. Ku, H. Y. Huang, W. C. Chen, L. Lee, W. K. Chen, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. J. Lin, Y. C. Cheng, Y. I. Cherng, “Microphotoluminescence spectra of hillocks in Al0.11Ga0.89N films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3047, 2004 (Impact factor = 3.820, ranking = 14/116 )
W. C. Ke, H. Y. Huang, C. S. Ku, K. H. Yen, L. Lee, W. K. Chen, W. C. Chou, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, W. J. Lin, Y. C. Cheng, Y. T. Cherng, “Formation of self-organized GaN dots on Al0.11Ga0.89N by alternating supply of source precursors”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, L780 2004 (Impact factor = 1.018, ranking = 75/116 )
L. Lee, W. C. Lee, H. M. Chung, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, W. K. Chen, H. Y. Lee, “Characteristics of deep level in As-implanted GaN films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1812, 2002 (Impact factor = 3.820, ranking = 14/116 )
L. Lee, F. C. Chang, H. M. Chung, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, W. K. Chen, B. R. Huang, “Dependence of deep level concentrations on ammonia flow rate in n-type GaN films”, Chinese J. Phys. 40, 424, 2002 (Impact factor = 0.444, ranking = 65/80 )